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Online Poster 

Real-time Online Poster Session in Twitter Account of ITSHER Conference

All virtual Posters are tweeted on ITSHER Conference official Twitter page during online Poster Session streaming, where Q&A session takes place. Poster tweet includes four images along with a brief summary, see an example.

Comments and answers are followed by all as a thread below each Poster. As compared to conventional conferences, the Poster Sessions on twitter reach a significantly wider audience, with over 300 views. While this is not a typical Wine Reception Poster viewing, the Online Posters are visible for years, and anyone can see them by looking up the hashtag of the conference. This algorithm also allows you to create threads, directly linking relevant papers to your poster, further enhancing research exchange.

Online Poster Guidelines

Step 1. Prepare a four-slide presentation in PowerPoint using the template. This template has the correct aspect ratios and font sizes, so presentations are only accepted in this format.

Step 2. To clearly explain your work to a broad technical audience, we recommend the following content for the four slides (as indicated in the PowerPoint template):

  • Slide 1: Title, author list, affiliation, abstract, and any related references
  • Slide 2: Background or motivation to your approach
  • Slide 3: Method or techniques
  • Slide 4: Results and conclusions

Step 3. Prepare four images, one from each of the four PowerPoint slides. Save them as PNG files by exporting the slides as an image. The location of this option varies depending on the PowerPoint version used. You will need to select the “Save Every Slide” option, and set the width to 864 pixels or larger.

Important: Please name poster images in accordance with the slide number.

Step 4. Email to your four PNG files together with your Twitter account name before  01 March 2024.

Step 5*. In addition we also offer all online poster speakers to record a 5 min video presentation of your four poster presentation slides,  which will be showcased to all onsite delegates during the coffee breaks at the conference. If you would like to opt-in for this additional option, please send your presentation video to, before 01 March 2024.  This is an additional option we would like to offer online delegates.